Another month, another blog! I’m sure you’ve all been waiting on tenterhooks to hear how I’m trying to stay green at home.
On a side note, I actually DON’T know if you’ve all been waiting eagerly for this latest blog. Sometimes, the Internet feels like a black hole of sorts. We are constantly adding content to it, but we don’t really know what becomes of it. As an author of numerous pieces, whenever I write something, I tend to forget it after it gets released. It’s just ‘out there’ on the World Wide Web.
On that front, I would love to hear your thoughts on any of my digital musings. I hope these writings aren’t in vain, and at least SOMEONE is reading them!
But I digress. If someone is reading these, then you want me to make good on my promise of learning how to garden.
Well, I’ll start with my in-progress mission, and talk about my long-term goal next time. The picture here is little Archie. Archie is an avocado tree! I haven’t joined the ranks of parents, so little Archie is the closest thing I have to a child, and he’s my pride and joy.
Archie began life in Peru, and yes, I know. Peru is a long way from Japan, and the carbon emissions released bringing him all the way here were cringeworthy to say the least. But, avocados are so delicious, and after all my time travelling the tropics, I’ve grown rather fond them. I’m not as addicted to avocados as I am to another tropical crop – the coffee bean – but I still can’t get enough of the creamy little fruits.

So, when I saw the avocados on sale at the local supermarket, I thought ‘what the heck’ and bought one, the yet to be named anonymous avocado. The fatty flesh found its way into some summer rolls, and I was left with a huge pit. I’ve thrown away tons of them, so I thought for once that I would do something with that seed, and here we are.
I’m not sure when Archie was born, but every day is a new day! I’ve heard it’s going to be years before the tree fruits new little Archies, if ever, but that’s beside the point. I kind of grew something, kind of! That’s a first for me, so I’ll take it.
Next on my to-grow list?
I’ll tell you next time!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”