Greetings in March from Tara!
Are you a sufferer of allergies? Does spring make your eyes and nose leak constantly?
My answer to both questions is YES!
I grew up on a blueberry farm in Oregon amongst fields of hay. As a child, my father would want me to be outdoors as much as possible. So, I was expected to be out helping with the blueberry plants, especially on weekends. Unfortunately, with our neighbor’s hay field adding to the fresh air, my understanding of ‘fresh air’ is a bit different, leaving memories of a “happy” farm life in my youth as not so idyllic.
Most of my life has included the suffering expectations of when spring comes. Aside from a blissful nine years in the desert, where my symptoms were limited to those that come from dust and sand, I cannot escape the less joyful side that the season of flowers and blooms usually brings. I sum up my allergy problem as being “allergic to nature” since just about everything in the outside world can result in my sneezing, sniffling, and itchy eyes. Maybe you can relate?
Growing up, there weren’t many options for allergy medication. So, I ended up with drowsy pills and grape-flavored cough syrup to reduce symptoms. Many spring afternoons and evenings were spent asleep on the couch missing out on the frolicking adventures that my brother and friends were having. As an adult, I have tended to contribute to the pharmaceutical companies’ profits, thanks to current non-drowsy options, and generally avoided being in nature as much as possible. Thankfully, I love the city life.
However, now, I am situated in rural southern France. Being outside is the way of life around here. Although there are different flora in the area, I am again suffering. Plus, I cannot hide away inside since the warm sun and southern terraces draw me out.
So, I have started taking tea with honey made locally as I have been told that the bees use the pollen from the area and my body can naturally build up antihistamines that way rather than through medicine. Also, as long as I don’t touch my eyes too much, I can avoid them watering or itching. So, the remaining symptom is my nose. Therefore, I have found some nasal spray that seems to do the trick in stopping the leak! While not 100% medicine-free, this is an improvement to my treatment.
Perhaps, this will only work this year or for a short time, but I’m hopeful that my allergies this season will be less cumbersome than in most years.
What do you do to alleviate your allergy symptoms?
– In the noun form, this refers to where liquid is being lost when not intended.
e.g. Our sink had a leak in the pipe, so we had to call someone to fix it.
– This adjective refers to something that is picturesque or a perfect image.
e.g. Whenever I see the idyllic photos of Santorini, I want to travel.
– A verb that describes the way of playing or moving in a cheerful manner.
e.g. The kids were frolicking on the freshly mown grass in the park.
– This hyphenated adjective refers to something that does not make you sleepy; usually used in terms of medication.
e.g. Even if you take non-drowsy allergy medicine, you should be careful when driving.
– This noun refers to medication that blocks or prevents the effects of histamines in the body.
e.g. Some people get an antihistamine injection before the spring season comes.
do the trick
– This phrase refers to the action resulting in the desired outcome.
e.g. Sometimes a long nap does the trick when you feel tired during the day.

アメリカ育ちで日本で9年間英語を教えた経験あり。日本以外にもAbu Dhabiでも英語を教えていたベテランの先生です。 ヨガを教える資格も持っていてとてもアクティブで、「諦めずに頑張って」とモチベーションをくれる指導スタイルで人気。
座右の銘は「We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit」。