

Hi there, it’s Min!

I have lived in a few countries before and I must say that the cafe culture of each country is very unique. So I thought I would talk a little about the “flow” of visiting a Melbourne cafe.

Melbourne is well known for being the coffee capital of Australia (with Canberra being the actual capital), so most people would order a cup of coffee when they visit a cafe in Melbourne. As soon as you enter a cafe and take a seat, the waiter or waitress would come over with a menu and ask:

“Would you like anything to start off with?”


“Can I get you any drinks to start off with?”


These are all asking if you would like to order a coffee or drink of your choice before you have a look at the menu. Since the brunch and cafe culture is so strong in Melbourne, most people would have a preferred coffee and will place an order for a drink at the start. For me, it is cappuccino most of the time with the occasional mocha. However, if you are not sure or need more time to look at the menu, you can politely decline by saying:

“I will have a look at the menu first.”


“Could I have some water first?”

OR (if you usually prefer to have coffee after your meal)

“I will get a coffee after my meal.”


If you have ordered a coffee, it will usually be served within a few minutes and the waiter or waitress will then take your meal order.

That’s when the coffee you ordered will come in handy because you can sip on it while waiting for your meal to arrive!

When you have finished your meal and are ready to pay for it at the counter, the staff will ask you:

“So how was everything?” (referring to the meal you had)


And you can answer however you like but most people would just say either of the following:

“It was amazing”

“Really good”



It’s a way of leading up to the final goodbye and also to prevent any awkward silences, so do not be afraid to chat for a little more if the cafe is not busy at the time of your visit!

I hope you found this useful and will help you enjoy your next Melbourne cafe experience a lot more 🙂

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Hi, I am Min and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a freelance translator and during my time off, I like to run, swim and do crafts.