Hi there, it’s Min 🙂
I have recently been showing a few of my non Australian friends around Melbourne and they have pointed out some very interesting words that I thought you may find useful as well!
”Thank you”の別の英語表現もある!
The most common one will have to be the many different ways we say “thank you” here in Australia.
In contrast to the widely known “thanks” or “thank you”, “cheers” and “ta” are most commonly used here. “Cheers” tends to be used towards men and “ta” directed at women.
Here is an example on how you can use it:
Jane: Could you pass me the remote control? (リモコンをとってくれる?)
Mary: Here you go. (どうぞ。)
Jane: Ta. (ありがとう。)
As you can see, it is used the exact same way as you would with “thank you”.
I guess this is very similar to あざす, the colloquial Japanese abbreviation of “thank you”. We Australians love to abbreviate our words whenever we can, so it is not surprising that we ended up with “cheers” and “ta” (pronounced “tah”) which are both one syllable words.
Some people would also add “mate” after “cheers”.
“Mate” in this context would simply refer to “you. So someone might say “cheers mate” to mean “thank you” in a pretty friendly way. However, “mate” can also be a way to gain someone’s attention (most often when they are mad) so it really depends on the situation and tone of voice of the person saying it.
For example:
John: Hey mate, how could you do that to Mary?(ねえ、なんでメアリーにそんなことできるの?)
Steve: I don’t know mate.(さあ…)
In the example above, the “mate” used by Steve does not mean much, It is just used to show John he is talking to him.
It never really occurred to me, but it seems like simple words like these can sometimes confuse people who have never heard of them before.
So the next time you are in Australia and someone says “cheers” or “ta”, or even “mate” to you, you will know what it means!

Hi, I am Min and I live in Melbourne, Australia.
I am a freelance translator and during my time off, I like to run, swim and do crafts.