【ネイティブ英語ブログを読もう!】Road Trip to Nakhon Nayok

【ネイティブ英語ブログを読もう!】Road Trip to Nakhon Nayok

Hi everyone,

There have been no domestic cases of the coronavirus in Thailand for more than 70 days now due to the fast and strict lockdown measures and curfew earlier on. We decided to go on a road trip to Nakhon Nayok to celebrate this with some friends.

Nakhon Nayok is a very beautiful place nearby Khao Yai national park.  Kaho Yai is a mountain covered in jungle and there are many wild elephants, big cats and all manner of wildlife around there.

When we arrived at our destination and cabin, I was surprised at the beautiful scenery and cool decorations.  There were umbrellas hanging from the sky, we had our own outside kitchen and barbecue area, and there was a ton of activities to do as well.

First we went for a walk around a Japanese rice farm which was really pretty and relaxing, there was a giant swing and a creek with giant lily pads.

There were picnic tables with old style phones,it was very eclectic. It was a beautiful day as well!


Next we got the barbecue going and opened up the first of 24 bottles of Leo beer, which is a staple beer of Thailand.  We had shrimps, pork, mussels from New Zealand with grated  cheddar cheese,  papaya salad, pad Thai, steak, and fish stuffed with lemon grass and herbs.

What a feast!

We ate and drank well into the night.

The next day,  that we went to a local waterfall and spent our time skimming stones across the water, and watching people float by and down the rapids in inner tubes.

It was a really nice time, and we savored our freedom all the more after our two months of lockdown. It just goes to show, appreciate what you have and your freedom while you have it!

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長く日英翻訳に携わっており、どうすれば英語として自然かをうまく説明できる人気の講師!間違うことを恐れず、まずは書くことが大切であるというのをポリシーにしています。 座右の銘は「Always try new things, and never be afraid to step outside my comfort zone.」