Hi, everyone!
Spring is in the air, and although I haven’t been able to return to Japan in over a year now – 2020 was my first year away from Japan in probably 8 years or more – I still think that I know a thing or 2 about the country. And if my senses haven’t completely failed me, spring and March in particular, are both the dawning of a new season and the dawning of a new ‘year’. In Japan, it’s around this time that the new fiscal and business years begin.
I’ve heard it go both ways, but this time can either be a time of incredible busyness, or a time of relative calm before the new year begins.
I hope you’re in a period of calm. If you aren’t, I’m sorry, but if you are then perhaps you know a thing or 2 about the theme of this little entry.
How many times have you tried to convince yourself that you’re good at multitasking? While Japan is more civilised than many countries, and banned driving while using mobile phones ages ago, it wasn’t that long ago that we were able to drive and text in Vancouver. I heard many people say that they could easily do 2 things at once, especially 2 things as easy as driving and talking on the phone.
Well, the truth is that people are not good multitaskers, no matter how much they try and convince themselves otherwise.
I too have been finding that out during the writing of my Misconception 3 Course. Before I continue, I would like to preface this passage by saying that this is by no means a complaint! I’m blessed to have the best students in the world: you, my faithful friends on Fruitful English! In fact, my amazing students are the reason for this post.
I realised that I simply can’t focus on 2 things at one. We recently started our amazing FruFru online conversation classes that offer AI transcriptions of Skype lessons. This allows me to correct every mistake and error that a student makes during a portion of their lesson, which is an invaluable teaching tool.
But I also have my beloved Misconception series of courses, which are near and dear to my heart! As much as I would love to focus on them both equally, it’s just not possible, so I’ve been learning to focus on one or the other.
Perhaps you’re finding the same thing in your life. Are you having trouble finding your focus? Or, are you having trouble setting English as your focus?
Try and find time and think about what your focus and priority is. English broadens your horizons and opportunities. So, if you’re finding yourself stuck, or not improving as fast as you’d life, try and set English as your focus. You can’t multitask, but once you focus on what you want, whether it’s English teaching like me, or English learning, you can achieve your goals! I’ll be here on Fruitful English to help you achieve them as well!
Now, bring on summer!
FEネイティブ講師Nic先生の人気英語ブログの前回の記事「【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Things don’t always go to plan, not even Nic-sensei’s!を見逃した方はこちらからどうぞ!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”