Hi, Everyone!
It’s another month and another fun blog post, and while I tried my best to come up with something engaging and related to English, I found myself facing a bit of a writer’s block this month. So, if you have patience, I would like to offer a few thoughts and musings for this month’s entry.
For those that know me, you probably know that I love a good quote. So, here’s a classic one that I may have even quoted a time or 2 on this site.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
“To a Mouse,” Robert Burns
Now, before you come screaming at me…
Yes, I know! I have absolutely butchered the quote, but as the original was written in old Scottish, I thought it would be best to both translate it into a language you’ve heard of – this is an English blog after all – and since English is an art, put my own artistic spin on it as well.
To paraphrase this quote, you could probably get away with しょうがない as a rough translation into Japanese! No matter how much you plan or prepare for something, in the end, things sometimes won’t go your way. Whatever the reason, be it faith or poor planning, sometimes you just have to accept things for what they are.
The reason I bring this is up is February is usually a good time to reflect on everyone’s (least) favourite part of the new year: New Year’s resolutions!
I’m not sure if ever wrote my resolutions for this year, but I definitely had them in my mind. And, they definitely have not gone to plan. That being said, they were far from the ‘best laid’ plans I’ve ever made either! I was originally planning to take most of this month off. I hate to bring in more ‘inside’ information, but those of you in the know probably realise that when I say ‘take this month off’, I’m using the term ‘off’ a bit loosely. A more apt description of my intentions would probably be ‘work less than normal’ or ‘change up my workload’.
One of my favourite things about my job is my Misconception Course series, which currently consists of 2 courses. The series is based on my experience as an English teacher around Japan and the world. All students across Japan tend to make the same mistakes. You can think of it the same way as asking a foreigner about Japanese culture. Just like how many Japanese seem to want to know if foreign people like 納豆, they also tend to make mistakes using common verbs like try or challenge. So, I’ve compiled 2 courses focuses on these common errors.
The first course can be seen as a friendly introduction to my style of teaching. We begin with English material with Japanese supplementary explanations for help. Then, the rest of the course is solely taught in English. While it depends on your level, once you reach the intermediate level, learning a language ‘in’ that language is the best way to learn. Even learning about simple topics in a foreign language can be a huge boost to your learning. The second course picks up where the first one ends, going more in depth with common misconceptions, and is completely taught in English.
So, where does it end? Well, I hope it never ends! That’s what this month’s plan of ‘working less than normal’ or ‘changing my workload’ comes in. I was planning on working hard on my Misconception 3 Course! Of course, I haven’t given up my dream, but my best laid plans will have to wait until perhaps next month.
Until then, I’ll be up to the same old, same old: my 2 existing Misconception Courses, our FruFru Skype lessons with AI transcription, and my amazing LiveChat course too!
Don’t forget to subscribe to my Fruitful English Fruity Bites Newsletter, ‘Making English Fun Again’, if you want some motivational English lessons delivered to your inbox monthly!
Stay safe out there!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”