There you are! Welcome back!
This is Nic, and welcome to another humble and hopefully fruitful blog! Or, should I say ‘Fruitful’ ;)!
I hope you caught the English pun there! If you did, then you’re truly becoming a native speaker, and really understand capital letters.
Last time, I chatted a little bit about music in Japan, or rather, the seeming lack of music. Since then, I spent a little bit of time relaxing with friends by the beach, and finally, I heard people listening to music. Finally, I thought; it’s time to hear some Japanese music!
※前回の記事「【Nic先生の英語ブログを読もう!】Do you listen to music in Japan? Tell me about it!」を見逃した方はこちらからどうぞ!
To my chagrin, it was all English music. Not only that, but it was also OLD English music. I would go so far as to say it was ‘oldies’, though the definition of that term is really in the eye of the beholder. Say, do you know the term ‘oldie’?
‘Oldie’ describes a good or respected example of something, which was made in the past. It’s most commonly used to refer to music, but it can also refer to objects.
For example,
This song is an oldie. It was made in the ‘60s, but it’s still popular today.
That car is a real oldie. It’s more valuable now than when it was made.
This phrase also gives rise to the common one:
an oldie but goodie
‘Goodie’ is an informal word meaning ‘something that is good’. In fact, it’s mostly used in this common proverb, as a rhyme to ‘oldie’.
For me, an ‘oldie’ describes something long before when I was born. But, I’m not that old (I hope), so as mentioned, everyone has their own opinion about oldies.
Anyway, the music I heard earlier wasn’t what I would call ‘oldies’, though it was all made prior to the year 2000. It was mostly 90’s R&B (incidentally, one of my least favourite genres!), without a hint of any Japanese music. Now, before you ask the question, yes, the ‘DJ’, or person playing the music, could speak English, though they were the only person of the 3. And, they were playing the music before I arrived, so it certainly wasn’t for my benefit!
So, that still leaves my question unanswered! Where is all the Japanese music? Where does music happen? While I don’t live in a big city, is the music really limited to Tokyo, and other cities where youth congregate! Get in touch with me, and let’s chat music!
Thanks so much for reading, and I’ll pick this up next time! Bye for now!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”