コロナ禍で使える英語表現を覚えよう!Common coronavirus-related terms

コロナ禍で使える英語表現を覚えよう!Common coronavirus-related terms

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to talk about some terms that are unique to the coronavirus situation. We use these terms in our everyday conversations frequently when we are talking of the coronavirus pandemic and they have become commonplace terms that everyone is using often these days.

So what are the terms we are going to learn about today? They are:

  1. Pandemic
  2. Lockdown
  3. Social distancing
  4. Vaccine
  5. Sanitizer
  6. Quarantine

So let’s get started!


A pandemic refers to a disease which has spread all over the world. The coronavirus is a pandemic. They say pandemics come only once in a century so we are living in very unprecedented times. The pandemic has disrupted our lives and our work and has impacted our relationships with people around the world. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious situation and researchers are doing their very best to come up with a vaccine speedily that will help us cope with the virus.

Let’s use ‘pandemic’ in some sentences:

1. Pandemics have come rarely in the history of humanity.

2. Humanity is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic.

3. It will take a while for the coronavirus  pandemic to go away from our planet.

4. It has become difficult to travel to other countries in this pandemic.



A lockdown refers to a situation which involves isolation or restricted access and which is imposed as a security measure. Many countries around the world imposed lockdowns this year to check the spread of the coronavirus and break the chain of transmission. Lockdowns caused a great change in our lifestyle as we were stuck at our homes with no option of venturing out. It led to a loss of income for many people as they could not commute to their jobs. Many people faced a cut in their salaries too. Although several nations have lifted lockdown restrictions, there is still a danger of a second wave of the virus so nations around the world are being cautious.   

Let’s use ‘lockdown’ in some sentences:

1. My salary went down as a result of the lockdown.

2. I am getting bored staying at home due to the lockdown.

3. Being under lockdown has meant that my cooking skills have improved.

4. I wonder when the government will lift the lockdown.


Social distancing:

We also refer to social distancing as ‘physical distancing’. It indicates maintaining a safe distance between yourself and people close to you who are not from your household. It is a radical measure that has hardly been seen before in the history of humanity. Sometimes, it is difficult to maintain social distancing as we are bound to get close to a person when out on the streets. However, maintaining social distancing results in greater safety for all.

Let’s use ‘social distancing’ in the sentences below

1.It is important to maintain social distancing these days.

2.It is tough to maintain social distancing in crowds.

3.Social distancing is an effective measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.



A vaccine is a substance that gives rise to the formation of antibodies in our body which leads to providing immunity against diseases. The body’s mechanism fights the virus. For example, we have flu vaccines and malaria vaccines. Vaccines have been invented for other diseases as well. However, there is no vaccine that can fight the coronavirus yet.

Let’s use ‘vaccine’ in some sentences below:

1. Researchers are trying to come up with a vaccine to cure the coronavirus.

2. Vaccines are important to fight off diseases.

3. The coronavirus vaccine will need to reach all parts of the globe after it is discovered.

4. My colleagues and I are working on a coronavirus vaccine.



Sanitizer is a liquid which is made to get rid of germs on our skin or on objects. It means to remove dirt or kill off germs by cleaning something. Since coronavirus can be spread through surfaces when they are touched, it is important to sanitize surfaces and our hands as frequently as possible to avoid the infection from entering our body.

Let’s use ‘sanitizer’ in some sentences:

1.I always keep a sanitizer bottle on my table.

2.I bought a couple of bottles of sanitizers this afternoon.

3.Sanitizers help in killing germs on surfaces.

4.Using sanitizers is a must in this pandemic.



A quarantine is a period of isolation where people who have come from other places or have been exposed to a dangerous disease are placed in order to stop the disease from spreading to other people. We have become used to self-quarantining ourselves in this pandemic. Quarantining can feel isolating and lonely, but we do not have much of a choice, no matter how tough it is.

Let’s use ‘quarantine’ in some sentences:

1.I have been in quarantine since the last two weeks.

2.Quarantining on sunny days can be hard.

3.Governments around the world advocate that self-quarantine is the best way to fight the coronavirus.

4.She was put into quarantine as she flew in from a country where the coronavirus was spreading rapidly.

5.I am spending my quarantine period by reading and cooking.


I hope you were able to get a good grasp on these unique coronavirus-related terms. The explanations and example sentences illuminate the meaning of these terms. How about using these words when you converse with someone about the coronavirus? All the best!

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Hello! My name is Priya and I'm from Mumbai in India. My hobbies are reading, writing, swimming and watching movies. I look forward to sharing my blogs with you!