Hey there! They say that music is the language of the soul, and I completely agree.
There are few things in the world that cross borders and cultures as effectively as music. And, you are actually using one of the biggest reasons why music has an even broader reach nowadays.
Of course, I’m talking about the internet! Thanks to the spread of online access, it’s even easier now to share music and experiences with people around the world.
Now, if music is the language of the soul, then what, if any, is the language of music? Well, I actually think there’s a pretty easy answer to that question as well.
You see, the language of music is the language of the entire world
English has transcended geographical and cultural boundaries, especially in music. In fact, English is so popular in music that you can find artists from countries around the world making music using English, even if it’s not their native language!
In fact, some artists have become even more famous for their English music than music they have written in their native language.
One of my favourite examples is the band Phoenix. They’re from France, but they’ve gotten worldwide attention for their English music, and have been featured in advertisements for companies as diverse as Calvin Klein and Apple!
However, Phoenix is far from the only band to have done so. In fact, one of the most prolific makers of English music are the Spanish. Just to name a few, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, and Ricky Martin all speak Spanish natively, but have been tremendously popular. In fact, Wikipedia lists Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin as ‘The King of Latin Pop’. Of course, they both can’t be the ‘king’. However, one thing is certain; they are incredibly popular for their English music as well, in addition to their Latin or Spanish pop!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg though. You can find examples of English music on every continent on earth! Japanese artists are of course famous for mixing in English words within their Japanese lyrics. In fact, English is becoming more and more popular in Asian music in general.
One of the most prolific places for both English collaborations and English language music releases is Africa. My personal favourite lately is the Kenyan/American band Extra Golden!
So, if you’re struggling to find something to inspire your learning, why not turn to the language of soul, music! Music is just example of English being the global language, and English unlocking the world around you! Enjoy the tunes!

座右の名”The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.”