Identification→Description (Droga et.al, 2012)
例:The Taj Mahal (Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Example #4: The Taj Mahal by Salman Rushdieより引用)
Identification: And this, finally, is why the Taj Mahal must be seen: to remind us that the world is real, that the sound is truer than the echo, the original more forceful than its image in a mirror.
Description:The beauty of beautiful things is still able, in these image-saturated times, to transcend imitations. And the Taj Mahal is, beyond the power of words to say it, a lovely thing, perhaps the loveliest of things.”
このように、生き生きとした感情表現(forceful, lovelyなど)を多用することで、より読み手を引きつけるのがDescriptionです。
読み手を引きつけるDescriptionに対して、Procedureは読み手を導く書式で、主にレシピや実験の手順、マニュアルなどの書式に当たります。こちらは1. トピックに基づいた動作動詞を用いる事(レシピの場合は料理、実験の手順の場合は科学など)、2.命令文を用いる事、3.場所や方法を詳細に書くこと、が求められます。構造は次の通りです。
Goal→Materials→Steps (Droga et.al, 2012)
例:How to make a sandwich(tom.com, Procedural Text: How to make a sandwichより引用)
Goal: To make a nice sandwich.
Materials: Bread, mayonaise feta, chopping board, lettuce, salad dressing, bread crumbs, tomato, cheese grater, bowl, plate, knife and pre-cooked chicken.
Firstly, set out the ingredients, grate cheese and slice tomato and lettuce.
Coat both pieces of bread in mayonaise.
Add 1 1/2 sliced leaves of lettuce to the bottom piece of bread.
Sprinkle grated feta on top bread, but don’t overdo it, because you sandwich will be too salty.
Next, finish by applying 2 slices of tomato, 4 pieces of pre-cooked chicken and putting on the top piece of bread. You have now finished your sandwich. Put it on the plate.
Now, take 2 lettuce leaves, 2 slices of tomato and feta and cut until small. Mix in bowl.
Add feta and sprinkle bread crumbs over the top.
Coat with salad dressing (any will do)
Droga, L., Humprey, S. & Feez, S., (2012), Grammar and Meaning, PETAA, Sydney, Appendix 1: pp. 183-198
Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Example #4: The Taj Mahal by Salman Rushdie Retrieved from:https://literarydevices.net/descriptive-essay/
Retrieved fromTom.com, Procedural Text: How to make a sandwich.
