“If” それとも “In Case” が正しい?「もし〜の場合」の使い分け!

Hi, everyone. It’s G.Tomoko!

“If” と “In Case” 、使い分けできてますか?

What’s the difference between “If” and “In Case”?

Can you use those properly? Confidently?

Let me tell you!


“In case” is mostly used to talk about precautions → things we do/did in order to be ready for possible events.

(a) Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.


(b) He set the alarm clock early in case he didn’t wake up in time.


Note: it is usually followed by the present tense and not by a conditional or a future tense. Alternatively, one can use “should”. This adds the idea of “by chance”:

(c) Take some money with you when you go out in case you should see something you want to buy.

*This use of “in case” + “should” is more common in British English.

“In Case”の意味と使い方

“If”, as a conditional, shows an action or event that is dependent on something else happening. The action will not happen unless the if clause happens.

(a) If they forecast rain then take an umbrella with you.


(b) If you have any questions, please raise your hand.




Here is an example of the difference using the same sentence:

  1. Call me if you need any help.
  2. Call me in case you need any help.

Can you see the difference in the meaning?

  1. もし何か助けが必要だったら電話してね。
  2. もしかしたら助けが必要かもしれないから電話して。

The first sentence tells you to call only when you need help, the second sentence tells you to call before you need help (and in this case maybe to check whether or not you need help).

《Today’s lesson!》

The difference is as follows:

  • Do A if B happens = Do A if B has already happened.
  • Do A in case B happens = Do A first because B might happen later.




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ドイツ在住、フローリスト。お花をこよなく愛しています。 イギリス約6年滞在中に仕事を通して肌で感じたイギリスの文化、生の英語、使える英語を是非皆さんに伝えていきたいです。