
When I was asked to write a blog for FE I really hummed and hawed over what to write. I have quite a few hobbies, so I eventually settled on writing about my oldest one.

Who here plays an instrument?

Probably quite a few.

OK, who plays drums?

Probably not so many, but I do, and I love it.

Of course, compared to other instruments they’re relatively inconvenient; they’re loud, large, and I have to go to a studio to practice. However, to me they are very liberating in spite of these inconveniences. I can play them by myself to practice new techniques, or really thump them to de-stress. My favourite thing though, is jamming: improvising music as a group.

In a way, jamming is like a language, or a way of communicating. Each musician in the group has a different instrument, or ‘voice, and a different set of musical techniques, like a ‘vocabulary.’ Every player in the group can use these techniques to communicate emotions and attitudes and, in the end, a song or piece of music is like a story.

I go to a studio a few times a month to either practice alone or to jam with my friends. It’s probably the place that I feel most relaxed in, outside my home. Recently, my friend Ryo and I have been playing a lot of funk during our jam sessions. We also sometimes play rock too. No matter what style, it is always fun for me to find new ways of expressing myself through music. I also think that when I learn a new way to say something in Japanese, I get the same kick as when I learn a new way to play something on the drums! I hope that this is a thrill that you all find in your English learning too!!



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料理が自慢のイギリス出身の講師。夏はBBQ、冬はスノーボードと活力みなぎるハードワーカな先生です。それゆえにお客様満足度も高い人気の先生です。 座右の銘は"Keep exploring, keep asking questions."