
Hey guys!  This is Beth!  How’s it going?  Everyone out there doing ok?


Did I catch your attention with my title?

So, what do you think?


What language do dogs “speak/understand”?  Sorry, “cat lovers”!  I’m not being partial…..it just happens that I have a dog, not a cat!

Maybe similar ideas work for any pet?

Many experts claim that dogs don’t really understand a certain language.  They say we are sending them a signal through our tone, body language, etc.  I don’t totally buy that!  My dog reacts to our words even when he is looking the other way(yes, we have tried with controlled tones)!

Whichever way you think, I thought it would be fun to introduce some basic “doggie” English!


BASIC COMMANDS(every doggie should at least try)

Ok!  Let’s start with some basics!

おすわり :  “sit”

まて :  “stay”

おしゃべり :  “speak”

ゴロン :  “roll over”

お手 :  “shake”

ハイタッチ :  “high five”

Remember : with the first four, a stong voice does help!  With the other two, you have to do it together!  I am sure there are many other words dog owners use, but in my family, these are “doggie” English!


HAPPY DOGGIE WORDS(words that make their tails wag)

These are some words are doggie loves and responds to accordingly!  Here, again, every owner probably has their own special version!  These are a few we use…..you might want to try!

お散歩行くよ :  “OUTSIDE?”   He runs to get his leash!

家にもどるよ :  “HOUSE!”      If ready, he dashes for home!

ごはんだよ :  “FOOD!”           Our pup is unique in this area!  He never comes running, and he eats REALLY slowly!  By the way, when finished, he “speaks” till we see the “gone! gone!” and praise him!

おやつだよ :  “SNACK TIME!”   Just the word “snack” will bring him running from anywhere in the house!



SCOLDIG and PRAISING(we have to know who the boss is)

ダメ :  “NO!”          This is maybe the easiest word, but the most important!  Another similar word is “STOP!”

いい子 いい子 :  “GOOD BOY!”(or girl)     We usually hug him and pet him while saying “Your such a good boy!  Yes, you are!”  He loves these moments, and snuggles up close!

Whenever our pup is good or follows a command, we try to say “thank you” to him!  To him, this is another way of being praised!


Now, are you ready to teach your doggie English?  It’s easy!  It’s fun!  You should really give it a try!

If you want to have some fun with all different kinds of English, stop by and try our "Free trial for 800 test questions and answers"! 以下を今すぐクリック!


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2 件のコメント

  • Hi, Beth.
    Thank you for the post. I enjoyed it.
    By the way, my dog appreciates music like me.
    One day, while I was playing “The Little Dog Waltz”, my dog abruptly gave a bark upstairs.
    My husband heard it and said to me,
    “Haha, she’s complaining,
    ‘Who’s playing that awful piano?’ ”


  • Hi!
    Thanks, Kanae!
    I’m glad you liked it!
    I love your cute episode!
    Your husband must like to tease! I am guessing your dog loves your playing!
    Dogs are so much fun, aren’t they?

  • コメントする




    Hi! My name is Beth !! I  have lived in Japan for a really long time!! I am fluent in both English and Japanese, but with age (hahaha) am finding myself sometimes digging for words in both languages !!  I love anything that is not housework!! Teaching (helping others learn) is my favorite activity!?! I hope to make many new friends !! Feel free to drop me a “howdy! 座右の銘は、"God first! People next! Everything else after that!"