Simon先生の英語ブログで学ぶ使える英語表現ーThe Tooth Fairy 「歯の妖精」

Simon先生の英語ブログで学ぶ使える英語表現ーThe Tooth Fairy 「歯の妖精」



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さて、今回のブログは、The Tooth Fairy 「歯の妖精」です。


Hello, this is Simon.

My daughter lost her first tooth the other day. When I say she “lost” it, it didn’t actually go missing. It simply means that one of her baby teeth came out.

She had mentioned a couple of weeks before that she had a wobbly tooth, so it was only a matter of time before it came out. However, more than the thought of losing a baby tooth and getting an adult tooth in its place, it was the Tooth Fairy that she was excited about. The Tooth Fairy, if you didn’t already know, is a mythical creature that comes and takes baby teeth that have come out and replaces them with money. A child will place the tooth under their pillow before they go to bed, and will wake up in the morning to find a coin in its place.

She played with her wobbly tooth almost daily, but it never seemed quite ready to come out. Then, one morning she sunk her teeth into a rather crisp apple. After taking her first bite, she was about to take her second, but she saw something strange sitting in the apple. It was her tooth of course. She brought it to me excitedly and asked “Now, will the Tooth Fairy come?” I smiled and said “Yes, of course!”

That night we placed the tooth under her pillow and she went to sleep.

I planned to change the tooth for money early in the morning, while she was still fast asleep, but I got busy with work and nearly forgot. I saw the clock hit 9:00 and suddenly remembered. I dashed upstairs with her coin worried that she could wake up at any time. Fortunately, she was still asleep. I managed to get the tooth, but as I was trying to slip the coin under her pillow, she woke up…

She looked at me sleepily and asked “Did the Tooth Fairy come?” I answered, “I don’t know. Have a look under your pillow.” (I had managed to slip my hand out from under her pillow by that time.) She lifted her pillow and found the coin. She then gabbed it, gave me a toothy grin, and promptly fell back to sleep.


“lost her first tooth”

To “lose” a tooth, doesn’t mean the tooth goes missing. It simply means that the tooth becomes detached from your mouth
(e.g. I lost my first tooth when I was seven.)

“came out”

This means the same as to lose a tooth, but it is often used to talk about the specific time or circumstances when the tooth became detached and left your mouth

(e.g. I accidentally bit into something hard, and my tooth came out, leaving me in shock.)

To expressions “lose” a tooth or to have a tooth “come out” describe fairly ordinary events, and use fairly standard words. However, I thought I would bring them up because it isn’t always obvious which verb to use in situations like this. I wonder if you knew that the verbs “lose” or “come” are used when we talk about a tooth becoming detached from a person’s mouth.

“had a wobbly tooth”

The adjective “wobbly” describes someone or something that moves unsteadily from side to side or back to front

(e.g. This chair is quite wobbly. I think the legs need adjusting./I felt a bit wobbly after I got off the roller coaster.)

We also use it to describe teeth that have become unstable, usually before they are about to fall out.

“she sunk her teeth into”

To “sink your teeth into“ something means to take a bite, but implies a deep bite in which your teeth go well into the food or substance

(e.g. It was Christmas day, and he couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into that delicious roasted turkey.)

“slip it under her pillow”

To “slip” something somewhere means to do it quickly and often in a way so that you are not noticed

(e.g. She slipped the waiter a $5 note, hoping to get moved to a better table.)

“gave me a toothy grin”

The adjective “toothy” means showing a lot of teeth. It is usually used to describe a smile

(e.g. The crocodile grinned with its toothy smile, showcasing a mouth full of sharp teeth.)


I hope your first month back at work has gone smoothly.

See you next month!


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Hello! My name is Simon. I am from New Zealand, and have been living and teaching English in Japan since 1999. My hobbies include movies, playing the guitar, gardening and hiking.