【これで迷わない!所有を表すアポストロフィー】Where to place apostrophes when talking about possession and time…

【これで迷わない!所有を表すアポストロフィー】Where to place apostrophes when talking about possession and time...

Hello, Everyone!


Apostrophes can be used to indicate ownership or possession. For example:

  • The boy’s crayons
  • The boys’ crayons



Should the apostrophe be placed before or after the “s”?

So does the apostrophe go before the “s” or after the “s”? Here is a wee guide for you:

The apostrophe is placed before the “s” for a singular possessor. For example: one boy’s crayons. It is placed after the “s” for a plural possessor. For example: two boys’ crayons

Sometimes these rules are not true, and they are listed below, but here is an easy rule that works for everything all of the time: Everything to the left of the apostrophe is the possessor. Write the word as you’d say it (e.g., “boys crayons”), and then use this rule. You get boy‘s for one boy, and boys’ for more than one. This rule works every time, even for the rules that do not ring true below.

Remember in the two examples above, “boy” and “boys” are the possessors. The position of the apostrophe has zero to do with “crayons.” That word can be singular or plural. It has no import as to where the apostrophe is placed. For example:

  • One boy’s crayon
  • One boy’s crayons
  • Two boys’ crayon
  • Two boys’ crayons

The apostrophe-placement ruling seems quite straightforward, but there are exceptions.



An exception to the rule: plural words that don’t end “s”

The most main exception is when the plural doesn’t end in “s”, for example: children; women; people; men. The apostrophe is placed before the “s” even though they’re plural. For example: children’s toys; men’s perfume. So…

To show possession, if the plural ends with -s, add an apostrophe after the “s”.

For example: the boys’ kites, the knights’ chargers, General Motors’ mission statement.


If the plural doesn’t end with -s put the apostrophe before the “s”.

For example: the children’s teacher, the oxen’s yoke.


Apostrophes can also be used in when talking about time.

For example: “a month’s salary” and “two hours’ notice.”

Where to place the apostrophe when talking about time is quite simple: the apostrophe goes before the “s” for one unit of time.

For example: one month’s salary and after the “s” when it’s more than one. For example: two months’ salary.


I hope this will help you to remember where to place the apostrophe when talking about possession.


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