【3分で使える英会話】Conversation tips

【3分で使える英会話】Conversation tips

Hello! Today, let’s talk about some tips for English conversation.

Specifically, I want to talk about how to converse in the following situations:

  1. When meeting up with a friend
  2. When talking formally
  3. When meeting someone for the first time 
  4. When apologizing
  5. When wishing someone good luck for something

The most important thing to remember in any social encounter is to always appear confident and positive. That will make a good impression on the listener!


Conversation tipsーWhen meeting up with a friend:

In informal/ casual situations while meeting up with a friend, start with a warm greeting like

‘Hi, how have you been?’

or ‘Hey, how are you doing these days?’

Then following the answer of the friend in front of you (for example: “I’ve been doing well these days”) you can say something friendly like:

“That’s good to hear”

or “That’s good to know”.

The above lines are introductory ones.To continue with the conversation, you can say

“So, what’s up with you these days?”

or “How is work going?”

You can then launch into the actual conversation where you discuss the details of your life and your friend’s life.

Some useful phrases are:

“I heard you have been busy these days”

or “How is your husband/wife?”

or “Did you do anything fun recently?

You can also talk about current events.

For example:

“I hope you are staying safe in this uncertain time of coronavirus”

or “I hope your family is safe”.

When ending the conversation, the following phrases can be used:

“It was great catching up with you”.

“Take care”

“Let’s meet again sometime soon”.


Conversation tipsーWhen talking formally:

When launching into a formal conversation, we use formal words and phrases.

For example:

“Hello, how are you? I hope you are doing fine”

or “It’s nice to see you after a long time”.


You can continue the conversation by talking about the weather, for example:

“The weather is quite pleasant these days, isn’t it?”

or “Isn’t it a bit chilly these days?”

or “How are you holding up in this heat?”


You can then launch into the heart of the conversation by stating

“I heard you are working on project X”

or “Is project X proceeding well?”


You can also use phrases such as

“I hope the project is successful”

or “I wish you all the best of luck with your project”.


Conversation tipsーWhen meeting someone for the first time:

There are some unique phrases used when meeting someone for the first time. Following are some of the introductory phrases:

-“It’s nice to meet you”.

-“It’s great to meet you”.

You can then launch into the heart of the conversation by using the following phrases:

-“Where are you from?”
-“What is your job like? Do you enjoy it?”
-“The weather is quite pleasant these days, isn’t it?”

-“What are some hobbies that you enjoy?”

When ending the conversation, you can say:

“It was lovely talking to you”

or “I wish you all the best”.


Conversation tipsーWhen apologizing:

Let’s move on to a situation where you need to apologize to someone. What are some lines you can use in such situations?

-“I must apologize to you for the mistake I made”.

-“I’m deeply sorry for the error”.
-“I hope you will be able to forgive me”.

Conversation tipsーWhen wishing someone good luck:

We use the following phrases when wishing someone good luck.

-“I wish you all the best”.

-“I hope you are successful in your endeavor”.

-“You have my full support and good wishes”.

-“I’m sure you will be very successful in your new project”

-“I hope you spend a fruitful time in your new position at work”.


How about using some of these phrases in your daily life? I hope you enjoyed reading these tips!



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Hello! My name is Priya and I'm from Mumbai in India. My hobbies are reading, writing, swimming and watching movies. I look forward to sharing my blogs with you!