【3分で英語学習】間違ってない?Me Myself and I

【3分で英語学習】間違ってない?Me Myself and I

Hi everyone,

This time I thought we could touch on the differences between me, myself and I even though they all refer to the same thing – you!

These words often get mixed up, so here are some simple differences between them.


is the subject – the person who carries out the action in the sentence.

– I passed Simon the sugar.

Me is the object – the person who receives the action in the sentence.

-Simon passed me the sugar.
OR: Simon passed the sugar to me. 

A lot of people get mixed up when there are a few subjects or objects in the sentence, but it is still the same principle:
-Ryan and I saw David at the shop.

Ryan is the subject
I am the subject
David is the object

-Simon called Ryan and me.
Simon is the subject
Ryan is the object
me is the object


The word myself is used in two ways:

1. As a reflexive pronoun – when “I” is the subject AND the object

-I bought myself a coffee.
(This means paid for MY own coffee)

-I burned myself when I was cooking.


2. For accentuatation – when you want to accentuate the “I”

-I wrote this book myself!
(I want to stress that I wrote it, and not someone else) 

-I realize Simon was driving as I saw him go down the street myself.
(I saw Simon driving with my own eyes)

-Give me the spoon – I’ll make the coffee myself.
(I’ll make the coffee personally)



By myself signifies you are alone:

-I went out to dinner by myself.


I hope this has helped you see the differences between these very similar pronouns a little bit!

See you next time!


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