
Hi, it’s Nic here! We live in an amazing place, full of adventure that is just waiting to be explored! I’m here to help you do it though!

English is the de facto language used around the globe, and with just a few simple phrases, you can have fun on every continent on earth (Even Antarctica! The researchers speak English there :)).

The best way to explore is to interact with locals, and the best way to do that through simple questions and answers!


Here is my list of the 3 most commonly asked questions I’ve been asked when traveling:

1.Where are you from? / What country are you from? / Where do you come from?

A simple question, with a simple answer.

Here is the easiest and best response:

            I’m from (Canada / Japan / Spain / Italy / Portugal …).

It’s more complicated, so if you think the person asking has a lower level of English, try the simpler alternative above above.

    I’m (Canadian, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese …).

2. How do you like (country)? / Do you like (country)? / How is (country)? 

This question is the most complicated! However, it’s easy to see why people might ask this question. Everyone is proud of their country, and they want visitors to like their country.

Here are a few answers that I’ve used on my travels!

            I love it! I’m really enjoying (the food / the people / nature / the beaches).

           It’s the best! I went to ~.

           Amazing / Fantastic / Wonderful! I visited ~ and it was great!

You should notice 2 things from these answers; first, they use a positive statement right away, and then, they use a specific statement about what I like about the country.

3. How long are you staying? /How long will you stay? /How long are you here? /Will you stay long?/ Are you staying long? 

          I will be here for 〜days(weeks).

         I’m staying here for  〜days (weeks).  

If you’re staying for a while, they may recommend something further away!

I can tell you that I’ve heard these phrases used from Peru to Portugal, and from Indonesia to India! Just be friendly and respond the best you can in English!


To improve your next trip, visit us at fruitfulenglish.com and try "Free trial for 800 test questions and answers"! 以下を今すぐクリック!


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日本の小中学校で英語を教えるALT講師Nic先生は非常にユーモラスな先生です。台湾でも英語を教えていました。どこでも適応できるのがNic先生が自慢ができること。「肉先生」と読んで欲しいとたまに呼びかけられるかもしれません。こんなコミカルで愉快なNic先生から楽しく英語指導を受けませんか? 座右の名"The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for."