もう“stay up all night”じゃつまらない!「徹夜する」の表現法を教えます!

もう“stay up all night”じゃつまらない!「徹夜する」の表現法を教えます!

Hi there, it’s Min again 🙂

Recently I have not been able to get a good sleep, because I have got so much work to complete plus some other errands to run, so I have been staying up late.


Staying up late only reminds me of one thing – my uni days. Those were the days where we procrastinated doing assignments and left everything to the last minute, then tried to wing it by cramming everything to the day of a report submission deadline or examination. I hope you were not like me but I am pretty sure most of you were too.

After reading many assignments by students, I realized that many of you stay up late for one reason or another. Thus, I thought I would share a few useful phrases that can make your writing sound more impressive yet natural at the same time.

So instead of saying “stay up till late” or “stay up all night”, here are a few idioms you can use to express sleeping late because you have something to do:


Burn the midnight oil : Stay up late studying or doing a project or task

(This expression originated back the in days when people used oil lamps or candles to get light)

E.g. Looks like we are going to be burning the midnight oil to get this project done.


Burn the candle at both ends : Used when you go to bed late and get up early

E.g. I have been burning the candle at both ends lately to try to complete my assignment on time.


Pull an all-nighter : Stay up all night (usually used in informal situations, and used to refer to someone studying)

E.g. She pulled an all-nighter to study for her exam the next day, oblivious of the fact that it would cause her more harm.


In my case, “burn the candle at both ends” would be the best expression to describe my situation. That is because no matter how late I stay up to, I always wake up at the same time. It is really weird because I do not feel tired the next day. It only hits me three days later and it is then that I have to take an afternoon nap, which I usually never do!

I hope no one reading this is pulling an all-nighter!

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Hi, I am Min and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a freelance translator and during my time off, I like to run, swim and do crafts.