







座右の銘は「“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” - Albert Einstein」


ノンネイティブ講師:The Philippines
Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Masters in Entrepreneurship

De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde
Major: Consular and Diplomatic Affairs
Brand Project Manager for a fashion company
Former restaurant and travel agency owner
Singing, traveling, cooking, baking, reading books and sailing.


Hello! I am an English instructor living in the Philippines, and my native languages are Filipino and English. I love meeting new people and learning all about their hobbies and interests. They say it’s never too late to learn a new language, and with English being the world’s universal language, I think it’s great that you want to learn it! It might seem like hard work, but I’ll do my best to help you develop your English skills. Remember to take your time when you are speaking. There is no need for you to rush, and it is better to talk slowly and clearly to prevent misunderstandings. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and just keep practicing by speaking and writing in English as much as you can. Learning doesn’t have to be boring, you can read a book, listen to music, or watch a movie and let’s talk about it. Let’s make it fun!






座右の銘はTell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin


The Philippines
Master’s Degree
Center Manager / Senior Lead Early Childhood Teacher
Swimming, tennis, cooking, travelling


Hi! My name is Trixie. I am a very patient, detail oriented and creative teacher. I am an effective English coach and is able to reach out and help a student communicate with confidence and ease. My training and experience have supported my ability to relate to people with various background, learning styles and culture. Let us work together in improving your communication skills in English.






座右の銘はIf you change nothing, nothing will change


The Philippines
Bachelor's Degree in Consular and Diplomatic Affairs
ESL teacher
I like to watch movies, listen to music and read English books


I'm an English instructor who was born and raised in the Philippines. I can speak English, Tagalog and basic Nihongo. I’ve learned English at a young age. I love Japan for its rich culture and the food hence, the reason why the foreign language that I took up during my college years is Nihongo. I can also read and write Hiragana and Katakana. I've been to Japan twice and I fell in love with the country every time I visited. I’ve been an English instructor to foreign students for some years and I believe nothing is impossible if you put your mind and heart into it. It's also the same when learning a new language, practice as much as you can and you'll be surprised to see the amazing results in the end. I'm looking forward to helping you converse in English. I'd be glad to help you. See you soon.






人事座右の銘は Life is short, live it well.


The Philippines
Major: Advertising Arts
Product Trainer, English Teacher
Drawing, painting, reading selected novels, anime and manga, listening to music


Hi! My name is Cathyrine. You can call me Kei for short. I have been teaching English to Japanese students from all levels since 2012. Throughout the years, I came to realize how much I enjoyed teaching. I can help my students improve and I also get the chance to meet different people and know more about Japanese history and culture. My childhood dream was to become an animator that is why I studied arts in the university. Although I did not practice my major, I paint and draw during my free time. I like to paint galaxies, seascapes, landscapes and the sky. In addition, I like learning about new things and talking about anything under the sun. Don’t be afraid to speak English even if you make mistakes at first. Practice makes perfect! Looking forward to meeting you in class soon!






座右の銘は Dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.


The Phillipines
University of Santo Tomas (Legal Management)
De La Salle University (Juris Doctor)
Research and Knowledge Specialist
Bikram Yoga, Hiking, Snorkeling, Reading
books, learning Japanese, Cooking


Hello, my name is Rochelle, and I am from the Philippines. I am a Research and Knowledge Specialist for an international law firm and currently finishing my degree to become a lawyer. I speak three languages: English, Filipino, and Nihongo. My interests include yoga, hiking, snorkeling and reading books. Having previously worked for a Japanese company, I'm also very much interested in learning more about Japan's culture and cuisine. My mother, who is a teacher, taught me how to speak English at a very young age, and she would always tell me that learning is all about motivation and passion. To learn English effectively and efficiently, you need to commit yourself fully, keep practicing without fear of committing mistakes and the rest will follow. My mother, who is an English and Math teacher, taught me how to speak English at a very young age. She would always tell me that learning is all about motivation and passion. When you really want to learn something, you succeed despite the hardships. So to learn English effectively and efficiently, commit yourself, practice, practice, practice without fear of committing mistakes and the rest will be history! I'm very much looking forward to meeting you in class soon!






座右の銘は "pray and work"


The Philippines
Miriam College
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
Online ESL Teacher
Reading, watching movies and playing sports


Hello! My name is Mary Grace, and I'm from the Philippines. My background is in banking and business, and I love exploring and trying out new things. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, playing sports and playing video games. Teaching English gives me an opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences. It also gives me a chance to learn other cultures and practices. Learning English requires a unique teamwork for both the teacher and the student. It gives us a common shared goal of learning to communicate well, and I believe we can achieve that goal by having a fun and engaging class together. I will do my best to guide and motivate you so you can be consistent in your learning, see you soon.





A cheerful and friendly instructor with an in-depth knowledge on politics and has an interest in music and fashion. A graduate of Political Science from one of the top universities in the Philippines, she has a wealth of experience in teaching children and adults of all ages and levels.

"Create your own destiny."


The Philippines
Masters in Public Administration
Cebu Technological University
Online English Instructor/TOEFL Trainor
playing the guitar, cooking, painting, designing clothes


Hi there! My name is Jeph, and I'm from the Philippines. My hobbies include playing the guitar, cooking, painting and designing clothes. I believe that being able to speak a foreign language is one of life's valuable skills, and if one really wants to be able to do it, you have to be willing to put in the work. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, what happens is that you try and try again until you achieve your goal. In my class, I always encourage my students to keep on practicing the language every day without any hesitations. Do not be afraid to make mistakes while using English in conversations, and always remember that our mistakes can be our be teachers. See you in my class soon!





An enthusiastic conversationalist who has a wealth of knowledge in teaching English to adult learners. She also has a wide experience in sales and customer care, and likes to keep an easy and friendly learning environment in class.

Motto: Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. (excerpt - Sonnet 116)


The Philippines
Masters in Liberal Arts, Major in English
Online ESL Instructor
doing online shopping, listening to rock/alternative music, watching TV/Netflix/English improvement videos, eating small meals 5-6 times a day, drinking coffee (during the day) or beer (on certain occasions)


My name is Jazmin, but most of my family and friends call me Minger. I used to read books all the time when I was younger but these days I’ve been watching more Netflix/online TV series in my free time. We have 9 cats, and I primarily take care of 6, so I’m pretty busy when I’m not working. I believe in the three Ps when it comes to learning English – passion, patience, and perseverance. More often than not we all want to learn and improve on something too quickly, and to an extent this is good! – but it usually doesn’t happen that fast. The key to mastering it is, for me, exposure – the more you hear it, listen to it, speak it, and eventually, think it, the better you will be. I am so looking forward to meeting you and having English conversations to hone your skills. See you soon!





A friendly and cheerful instructor who is well-practiced in the usage of the English language, especially in business situations. With a wealth of experience in conversing daily with US and Canada-based companies and individuals, he is an instructor who likes to keep a light atmosphere in class for an easy-to-speak lesson.

Motto: "The expert in everything was once a beginner."


The Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Our Lady of Fatima University
Business Process Outsourcing - Project Coach
photography, travel, cooking and water sports


Hi! I'm Edward, and I'm from Manila, Philippines. I have a degree in Nursing, but my career is in the business process outsourcing industry, where I was able to work with colleagues and clients from all over the US and Canada. During my free time, I like engaging in different types of sports and activities for my physical and mental development. Learning the English language can be a scary but worthwhile process, but we can make this easy by constantly practicing and having awesome conversations together. I'm more than excited to get to know you better and help you reach your goal, and I look forward to meeting you soon!





An experienced Business English Communications instructor with a wide knowledge of a variety of topics. She has a keen interest in learning about languages and culture, and likes to create a well-balanced atmosphere in the classroom where both student and instructor can enjoy learning new things.

Motto: "Everything can be learned through practice and hard work."


The Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Adamson University
Business English Communications Coach
Online ESL Instructor
drawing, listening to music, watching dramas


Hello, my name is Arielle! I have been teaching English communication to Japanese professionals for quite some time now. Learning new things about languages and cultures of different countries, especially in Asia, is very interesting for me. During my college years, I was part of the Culture Exchange Society and met a lot of people from Japan and other countries.I enjoy teaching as much as I enjoy learning new things, which is why I can create a well-balanced classroom atmosphere for my students. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and we improve with that. Always remember that in English, conciseness, clarity and practice is the key to fluency. I usually tell to my students that learning a language is never easy, but we can make it fun in so many ways. I am very much looking forward to meet you in our classes and help you improve your English skills.

こんにちは、Arielleです! 私はこれまで、日本の社会人に英語コミュニケーションを教えてきました。異なる国、特にアジアの言語や文化について新しいことを学ぶのは私にとっても興味深いことです。大学時代には文化交流会に所属し、日本や他の国から来た多くの人々と出会いました。新しいことを学ぶのと同じくらい教えることも楽しいので、生徒のみなさんのためにバランスの取れたレッスンの雰囲気を作ることができます。失敗を恐れないでください。私たちは失敗から学び、それによって上達していきますから。英語では、簡潔さ、明確さ、そして練習が流暢に話せるようになるための鍵であることを常に忘れないでください。私は普段から「言語を学ぶことは決して簡単なことではないですが、いろいろな方法で楽しくすることはできます」と伝えています。レッスンでみなさんにお会いし、英語力を向上させるお手伝いができることをとても楽しみにしています。




A passionate teacher with a wide experience in teaching students from various ages and professions. He likes to encourage his students to continue their English learning by teaching them different tips and tricks for them to maximize their usage and be able to apply it in real-life situations.

Motto: "you can't go wrong with showing passion and integrity."


The Philippines
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Science
University of Pangasinan-PHINMA
Online ESL Instructor
Secondary Education Teacher
playing guitar, singing classic songs, watching various genres of movies, relaxing with nature, talking to intelligent people, trying out new foods


Hi, I’m Jess from the Philippines! I’m a teacher who loves to teach not solely for the money but mainly for the fulfilling feeling of being part of a learner’s achievement. I see learning English as an adventure, and I hope you join that adventure with me! I’ve met and helped so many students improve their English before. It’s what keeps me going in this profession because the joy of being part of their achievements is so fulfilling! So never give up. We are here for you! I’m gonna give you a speaking tip which is part of my strategy of teaching English. Ready? That’s MAXIMIZING ENGLISH UTILIZATION which means I’m going to guide and encourage you during the lesson to use and learn English rules not only in class, but even while you’re going through your daily activities! So, let’s go and enjoy this English adventure!

こんにちは、ジェスです。私はお金を稼ぐためだけでなく、学習者の達成感を味わうために教えることが大好きな講師です。私は英語を学ぶことを冒険だと考えています。そして、皆さんも私と一緒にその冒険にぜひ参加してください!私はこれまで多くの生徒と出会い、英語力向上の手助けをしてきました。学ぶ方の上達に貢献できる喜びがあるからこそ、私はこの仕事を続けています。だから、決してあきらめないでください。私たち講師はあなたのためにここにいます!これから、私の英語教授法の一部であるスピーキングのコツをお伝えします。準備はいいですか?それはMAXIMIZING ENGLISH UTILIZATION、つまり授業中だけでなく、日常生活の中でも英語のルールを使い、学ぶように指導し、励ますということです! それでは、この英語の冒険を楽しみましょう!




Hello! I am Inna and I have dedicated my life to art. My work and my hobbies both include design and drawings and I love it everyday. During my past time, I usually love having some time alone to read books, or tend to my garden. When I am with my husband, we usually go to the mall to eat at new restaurants and shop.

"It’s better to be kind than to be right."


De La Salle College of Saint Benilde - AB Multimedia Arts
Advertising and Marketing
Reading books, watching american and korean TV series, food trips, travel with friends, and PS games


Hello! It's Inna, well-versed in marketing and business English because, besides being an instructor, I also work as a Creative Director for a Digital Advertising and Branding Agency. Art and media hold a significant place in my and my spouse's life. During my spare time, I draw illustrations and fashion, read books and manga, play PS4 games, and watch foreign movies. These are things that inspire me to create artworks, just like the culture of Japan. A near second to my home country, the Philippines, Japan is my favorite country. My husband and I have visited Tokyo and Kyoto before the pandemic, falling in love with the scenery, the culture, the people, and most importantly, the food! What inspired me to be an instructor is being able to talk to the students of Fruitful English. Starting off as a transcriber, I learned some of the lives of the students of Fruitful English through the scripts I wrote and found all so fascinating. In being an instructor, I hope we can talk about food, movies, books, and everything about your lives. Hopefully, through learning about each other, I will also be able to improve your grammar and widen your vocabulary. Let’s talk soon!





A passionate TEFL-certified teacher who likes to build her students' confidence by creating a free and open atmosphere in class, and uses a wide range of topics and other materials to engage her students in casual but enjoyable conversations.

Motto: "There are no regrets in life, just lessons."


The Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
Online English Instructor
Physical Therapist
cooking, solving English crossword puzzles, sudoku, going to the beach, watching Mystery and Crime series, reading books


My name is Emylene. I enjoy helping my students through conversation and other activities and materials. My goal as a teacher is for my students to become confident in their English language skills that they are able to use them to succeed in their chosen fields. It’s no secret that speaking a new language can be stressful but with constant practice and applying what you have learned in actual situations can definitely help you achieve your goals. When you learn a new phrase or word, use them in your own sentences so it becomes part of you. If you have English speaking friends or study with an English teacher, use these words in your conversations. You can also talk to yourself so you can practice using the phrases as much as you can. Remember practice makes a man perfect. I look forward to helping you improve all the way so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. You have my full support at every turn. See you soon!




Mary Ann先生プロフィール

A passionate and determined teacher who has more than a decade of experience teaching university-level classes, she is well-versed in Business and Conversational English.

Mary Ann先生の自己紹介動画

The Philippines
Masters in Business Administration
National College of Business and Arts

Bachelors of Science in Business Administration, Major in Marketing
Philippine School of Business Administration
University Professor
cooking, baking, watching movies and traveling


Hi, I am Mary Ann. For me, teaching is a passion and a job full of dedication. It's an exchange of ideas and experiences. You can expect my classes to be a fun and learning experience for all my students. What makes me different from other teachers is that I’m good at daily conversations and improving my pronunciation skills. n one consultations. For me, teaching is a passion and a job full of dedication, and it is an exchange of ideas and experiences with your students. I can help you improve your pronunciation skills and apply them to your daily conversations. Tips from me: Watch movies in English and pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation. Feel free to imitate the actors, and just have fun with it! Looking forward to meeting you in class soon!




Sandra Mae先生プロフィール


モットー 「Failure is better than not trying at all.」

Sandra Mae先生の自己紹介動画

The Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English

Bataan Peninsula State University
Master of Arts in Education Major in Language Education
Licensed Teacher
reading books and manga, writing prose and poetry, watching anime and movies, playing guitar and ukulele, drawing, collecting toys


Hello! I am Sandra, it's very nice to meet you all. I am here to assist you in improving your English. Every class with me will make your English communication skills better. The key to good English communication is consistent practice. Mistakes are not hindrances but opportunities for growth. With my assistance, we can make learning and improving English a worthwhile journey. I’m looking forward to our future classes!






モットー 「Progress, not perfection.」


The Philippines
Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation
Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
Online English Instructor
Business Process Outsourcing Associate
Physical Therapy Volunteer
Singing, Listening to music, Drawing, Arts and Crafts, Watching movies, Organizing and Minimalism


Hi! My name is Arline. Whenever I am teaching, it’s always a fulfilling experience for me to see the students learn and develop. I make it a point to make the lessons fun and interesting. I’m energetic and enthusiastic. I believe that it’s very important to encourage and acknowledge even the small wins every day. Let us work together to achieve your goals. Remember to always stay positive, and don’t give up. You can do it! Never cease to learn and always yearn to improve. Most importantly, just enjoy and have fun learning. Looking forward to meeting you soon!

こんにちは!私の名前はArlineです。生徒さんが学び、成長していく姿を見るのは、教える立場としていつも充実した経験となっています。レッスンは楽しく、興味深いものにすることを心がけています。私はエネルギッシュで情熱的です。毎日、小さな成功も励みにし、認めてあげることがとても大切だと思います。目標達成のために一緒に頑張りましょう。常にポジティブでいること、そしてあきらめないことを忘れないでください。You can do it! 学ぶことをやめず、常に向上心を持ちましょう。そして何より、楽しんで学ぶことが大切です。早くみなさんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!



Jasmin C.先生プロフィール


モットー:「Rest, but never give up!」

Jasmin C.先生の自己紹介動画

The Philippines
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Arellano University
Online English Instructor
reading random articles online, cooking, playing the guitar, watching documentaries/docudramas, going on road trips, photography


Hi! My name is Jasmin. I've been teaching English for some time, and teaching students of diverse backgrounds and levels have honed my skills as a teacher. With these skills, I can help my students achieve their goals. Some areas of my expertise are grammar, pronunciation, conversation, and classroom management. Want a relatively enjoyable and easy to understand classes? You’ve come into the right place! 70:30 is the number one rule in my class. I let my students speak their minds out loud and actively listen to them. I do corrections, not only in grammar but also in pronunciation. I make sure to let them know how to speak English better and correct them in a positive way. Tips? Keep on practising the language! How? Read, speak and listen to English!






標語:「Stay positive and be persistent, tomorrow will be better.」


The Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of San Carlos
Licensed Pharmacist
Virtual Assistant
Online English Instructor
Reading novels, Photography, Travelling, and Cooking


Hi! I'm Mav, a licensed pharmacist from in Cebu City. I considers myself to be a lifelong learner, eager to develop my academic foundation in clinical pharmacy as well as my abilities to perform at the highest level in my profession in the healthcare industry. I believe that being an empathic listener and persuasive speaker is the key to becoming an effective communicator. Working in the pharmaceutical industry has made me realize where most errors came from, and it’s from the lack of clarity in communication. Learning a new language can be tough but I am here to help you achieve your goal to become an effective communicator in the English language. The more you practice, the quicker you'll learn. Even just listening to an English podcast can improve one's vocabulary and pronunciation in a big way, so I encourage you to do similar exercises as well. I am looking forward to meeting you.





Carpe diem | “seize the day”


Undergraduate Degree
Real Estate Salesperson
Reading is my passion, and it is something that stimulates my creativity. It is what I do to relax and spend quality time with myself. Aside from this, I also like traveling and exploring new places. Traveling allows me to immerse myself in the cultures and traditions practiced in different countries.


My name is Clarisa, but you can also call me Issa. I am a licensed English teacher. As an instructor, I have several years of experience teaching English to second-language learners. During my spare time, I enjoy watching volleyball games and playing video games. It’s always nice to learn something new every day, so feel free to share your thoughts or insights during our conversations. The most rewarding thing about being an educator is seeing how other people improve over time. With your active participation, I know our lessons will be fun, engaging, and meaningful. Having this in mind, I hope to be a part of your English language journey here at Fruitful English. I am looking forward to meeting you soon!





Be happy with what you have while working for what you want. When life gives you lemon, make lemonade.


National Teachers College - Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
Online English Tutor for officed-based companies in the Philippines (Easy English Plus, BCM Uphone Call Center, and English Links Real Estate Agent for New San Jose Builders in 2017
Watching movies and drama, listening to music, and travelling


My name is Princess. I am an ESL teacher with more than 10 years of experience working with foreign students. I have handled students with different levels and ages. I am always ready to explore and experience something new. I am a good listener and I think I am easy to get along with. Don’t limit yourself; you have all it takes to reach the sky. Be calm and go along with life. These are the things I always tell myself when life gets harder. Learning English can be sometimes frustrating. It is fine to be sad, but don’t let l sadness bore you down. Keep practicing until you fully reach your goal. Practice! Practice! Practice! Practice will definitely help you be confident and progressive. I am excited to see you in my class!





Everything is hard before it gets easy, so keep on going and be patient until you
achieve it.


Far Eastern University - Major in English
ESL Industry
Taking photos using Instax and old digital cameras, writing a diary, bingewatching American crime dramas, Korean dramas and anime, traveling to new places, listening to different spotify playlists, and playing card games


Hi, I’m Khimverly, but you can call me “Khim”! I have several years of experience teaching communicative English, and my passion for helping students learn keeps me going. I adore exploring new local places, especially restaurants. I am small, but I have a big appetite! I love teaching because it is fulfilling to witness students improve and unlock new skills. Learning is a long journey. It takes a lot of effort to move forward and make progress. It will constantly challenge you to be out of your comfort zone, but that is the beauty of it, right? Coming out of the box is hard, but doing it with the right person makes it easy. I always make sure that students not only learn but also have fun. I do my best to make each class comfortable and productive. Let's have a fruitful discussion together! I hope to see you in my lessons!

こんにちは、私はKhimverlyですが、あなたは私を「Khim」と呼ぶことができます! 私はコミュニカティブな英語を教えた経験が数年あり、生徒の学習を支援したいという情熱が私を突き動かしています。私は地元の新しい場所、特にレストランを探索するのが大好きです。私は小柄ですが、食欲旺盛なんですよ!!教えることが好きなのは、生徒が上達し、新しいスキルが身につくのを目の当たりにすることに充実感を覚えるからです。学習は長い旅です。前に進み、進歩するためには、多くの努力が必要です。常に自分の心地いいゾーンから出ることが要求されますが、それこそが美しさなのです。枠からはみ出ることは難しいですが、適切な人と一緒にやれば、簡単にできます。私は、生徒のみなさんが学ぶだけでなく、楽しめるように常に配慮しています。毎回のレッスンが快適で実りあるものになるよう、最善を尽くしています。一緒に実りある議論をしましょう!レッスンでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。




The best way to predict your future is to create it.


Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus, Electronics Engineering
IT industry, manufacturing, industry and customer, and service industry
Reading (Manga, Manhwa, English Books), cooking, fishing, and playing online games


Hi! I am Xernan. I am currently working as a Digital Business Analyst. I also have experience as a Customer Service Associate where I assist customers with their problems with their bank accounts. No one is a master on day one but what I can assure you is that practice makes us better every day. I know you are enthusiastic and eager to learn English as soon as possible but remember this is not a race and you can run at your own pace. Apply your learnings to your daily life. You can start by reading an English article/book/magazine in the morning. If you find any new words you don’t understand, note them and maybe write them in your journal/notepad. If you can do this at least once or twice a week it will be a huge step toward expanding your vocabulary. If you have friends that can speak English, Try to practice with them! Don’t be afraid of mistakes, try to think of them as a stepping stone toward success!





Post Nubile Phoebus (after a storm comes a calm)


Bachelor of Science in Education Major in Filipino at Holy Angel University
Language Teacher at Junior and Senior High School
Watching anime, formula 1,and cooking shows, reading manga, playing badminton, and taking care of our 10 cats


Hi! I am Penicka! I am a licensed professional teacher and an experienced private ESL tutor. In my class, I can talk about various topics, and I make sure that my class is filled with respect and fun while targeting my students’ needs and goals. Practice makes perfect. To become effortless in any aspect, be it in speaking or writing, you must put a lot of effort to practice and enhance your skills. I am here to guide you, so do not hesitate to ask for my help. We will work things out for you.





Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here


Holy Angel University - Biological Sciences, Masters of Art in Teaching Science
Science, English, and mathematics teacher at a private school in the Philippines, special education teacher at a learning center, English online tutor, and content writer
reading, mountain climbing, traveling, writing blogs, cooking, painting


Hi there! I’m Gel. I have been teaching basic Math, Science, and English to kids and adults. In my class, we can talk about anything under the sun. I ensure that my class is a safe space where you can share your thoughts freely. Learning a new language may seem overwhelming at first. You may feel like a toddler again, trying to make sense of the world around you. The key is taking it one step at a time. Consistency, practice, patience, and perseverance are important in learning a new language. Labelling things around you and trying to use words and phrases in simple conversations can help boost your confidence and widen your vocabulary. You can listen to songs and watch TV shows just to familiarize yourself with proper pronunciation and sentence construction. It’ll also be a big help if you can practise with a friend who’s also trying to learn English. And most importantly, do not be afraid to commit mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of the learning process. I am humbled and excited to be part of your learning journey. I will do my best to help you reach your fullest potential. I am looking forward to our lessons.





Connect with humanity more than humans.


Colegio De San Antonio De Padua/ Major in Special Education
Montessori school, business process outsourcing, and a software company
Reading, writing, cooking, drawing, taking pictures, and traveling.


Please call me "Glen". I am a teacher by profession and have been teaching since 2017. My hobbies are reading books, writing, drawing, cooking, and traveling. My goal every day is to have a positive impact on people. Mastering a language does not have to be fast. It is a process, so take your sweet time. Feel no pressure at all when studying, for I believe that little progress each day adds up to big results. I remember when I was still a student. I was so shy to speak English; I was not confident. Luckily, I had a teacher who helped me become a better speaker. She made our classroom a safe haven. She made us feel that we are still learning, and part of that includes making mistakes and errors.
Today, her light is in my heart, and I am more than happy to share it with you. Let me provide you with my assistance. Just always believe in yourself and never dull your confidence. You got this!




Iris C.先生プロフィール

“Let it Fry”

Iris C.先生の自己紹介動画

AB Psychology Graduate
A Dubai ex-pat for 6 years working in the trading and construction industry. I returned to the Philippines and pursued my government career as a local legislative staff officer. After finishing my contract I decided to stay at home to take care of my kids, and that’s when I became an ESL instructor.
I love watching movies, cooking, traveling, and learning about new cultures.


Hi! My name is Iris. I was born and raised in Manila, but three years ago, my family and I transferred to Cavite, located in the southern part of Luzon. I’m a full-time mother of two beautiful kids. During my free time, I love to watch movies and documentaries on the internet. I also love to travel locally and internationally. When I visit new places, I am fascinated with the local scenery and culture of my city. I’m a self-proclaimed foodie, I’m very eager to taste different delicacies from different regions and religions, although I’m not brave enough to try exotic delicacies such as rodents and amphibians. I can’t wait to see you and share different stories with you. I’m interested in learning new things from your culture and I also love to share my knowledge in the English language as we speak. I think we can both learn from one another through a series of conversations. I hope to see you soon!





Live with integrity, do good things even there’s no one watches you


Holy Angel University associate degree in computer science
Sales & Marketing, Corporate Presenter, swimming instructor and red cross volunteer
Reading articles & books about health, science, history and survival, singing, cooking, vlogging and song writing


Hi! I'm Dexter, from Sales & Marketing field, being a corporate presenter, a swimming instructor, and now one of your Fruitful English instructors. I love to read books and articles about science, history, especially the holy scriptures. In my swimming years as a student, I have reached the Filipino National Games. I have my National Certificate in Cookery and Baking, A Licensed CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) provider and a volunteer. Vlogging some of my swimming and running experiences, our pets’ cats & dogs, and uploading song compositions to my small YouTube channel. And I love Coffee! I I have a passion for teaching, and I understand the importance of having a good command of the English language. I'm here to help you reach your goals and develop the skills that you need to express yourself effectively!





The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away – Pablo Picasso


AB English at AMA University
ESL Teacher
Singing, live streaming, cooking, playing video games, booking


Hi there! My students call me Jade. I love to sing so maybe we can while having class because I believe that singing can help you remember things easier. I have more than ten years of experience teaching Koreans and Chinese online. I love to travel because I will learn much from travelling locally and internationally. I help my learners reaching their educational goals with passion, patience, and understanding in teaching. I believe that all students are unique and must have interesting environment where they can learn in all aspects. I want to create a class mood where they can meet their full potential. I will provide class where they are invited to share their ideas and take risks. I am excited to have you as a part of my class. I am sure that you are going to have an amazing term learning new things. Good luck to you.





Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.


Holy Angel University - BS Education and MA Teaching Science
Language Center (ESL Teacher) and Department of Education (Public school teacher)
Music. Movies, Plants, Food


Hello, I’m Rhoma. I have worked as an ESL teacher to Japanese and Korean students and I also have a Masteral degree in Teaching Science. I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was young. I got inspiration from my former teachers and now it is my turn to inspire my students! I know that learning a new language can be daunting and overwhelming at times. However, success is not always about greatness but also hard work. I always tell my students to have confidence and believe in themselves that they can achieve whatever learning goals they want in life. As a teacher, it is my job to help you achieve those learning goals. In addition, I always believe that the teaching-learning process needs teamwork between the teacher and the student, so don’t be afraid to reach your potential. Let me help you build your confidence in speaking the English language. Remember that we can achieve anything we put our mind to, with of course constant practice and hard work!





I’m a $100 bill with a small tear. They may see the tear, but God sees my value.


Saint Louis University
- Loan Servicing Specialist at a Major Bank in the US.
- Team Leader in a call center of the same bank.
- Customer Service Specialist in a Major Bank in the US.
Movies, Music, Books, Nature, Baking and Cooking


Hello! I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and worked as college professor, teaching IT subjects. I later hopped into the call center industry. English is my second language and teaching is my passion. Before working as an online English teacher, I was a customer service representative at a major bank in the US. Now, I am a part of a group that does community volunteer work. We help teenagers maintain their balance even in these difficult times. “It's easier said than done!" Many people claim that learning a new language is difficult. It is true that learning another language is challenging. But once you succeed, it's definitely rewarding. In order to succeed, I recommend the following behaviors: humility, patience, motivation, and practice, practice, practice! Like learning to use a new tool, you will only be able to master it if you use it on a regular basis. Why not try talking to your English-speaking friends? Try reading English magazines or viewing English TV shows or movies. See how much you can understand. Never, ever stop learning. I am truly honored to join you on this challenging - yet deeply rewarding - journey. I'll be there for you every step of the way, making learning enjoyable and exciting for you.

こんにちは!私はコンピュータサイエンス学士号を持ち、大学教授としてIT科目を教えた後、コールセンター業界に飛び込みました。 英語は私の第二言語であり、教えることは私の情熱です。オンライン英会話講師として働く前は、アメリカの大手銀行でカスタマーサービスの担当者をしていました。現在は、地域のボランティア活動をするグループに所属しています。このような困難な時代でも、ティーンエイジャーがバランスを保つことができるよう、サポートしています。"言うは易く行うは難し"。多くの人が、新しい言語を学ぶのは難しいと言います。その通りです。でも一度成功すれば、間違いなくやりがいを感じることができます。成功するためには、謙虚さ、忍耐力、モチベーション、そして練習、練習、練習という行動をお勧めします!新しい道具の使い方を学ぶのと同じで、日常的に使ってこそ使いこなせるようになるのです。英語圏の友人と会話してみてはいかがでしょうか。英語の雑誌を読んでみたり、英語のテレビ番組や映画を見てみたり。どれだけ理解できるか試してみてください。決して、学ぶことを止めないでください。私は、この困難でありながら実り多い旅に、みなさんと一緒に参加できることを大変光栄に思っています。楽しみながら学ぶお手伝いをいたします!




If you believe, you can achieve!


St. Jude College of Manila - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Banking / Medical
Listening to Alternative Rock Music, Painting, Cooking, Watching Suspense and Horror Films


My name is Kate but my friends usually call me Katey. I love getting along with other people, knowing their interests, and listening to them. My background in Banking and Nursing really helps me to be more patient and understanding in terms of customer-client relationships. This molds me to be a better listener and attentive to their needs. I also love teaching because it shows my inner desire to help others and share my knowledge with them. Studying doesn't have to be boring. I make it a point that you will learn from my class. You can also share your thoughts and ideas, so this can be the start of better communication. Let us both achieve your goal! and don’t give up. Practice makes perfect. Learning nowadays is very easy this will just depend on the person on how they want to expand their knowledge. Always be open to new information because education is a continuous process.

私の名前はKateですが、友達からはKateyと呼ばれます。私は人と仲良くなってその人の興味のあることを知ること、その人の話を聞くことが大好きです。銀行員と看護師という職歴が、より忍耐強く、より理解しようと心掛けることに役立っています。より良い聞き手となり、相手のニーズに耳を傾けることができるようになりました。また、教えることも大好きです。なぜなら、人を助けたい、自分の知識を分かち合いたいという私の内なる欲求を生かせるからです。勉強は退屈なものではありません。私のレッスンでは、みなさんが楽しみながら学べるように心がけています。また、自分の考えやアイデアを共有することで、より良いコミュニケーションのきっかけになります。あきらめないでください。練習は完璧にするものです。今の時代、学ぶことはとても簡単ですが、どのように知識を広げたいかは、その人次第です。教育は継続的なプロセスなので、常に新しい情報にオープンであるべきです。お互いに目標を達成しましょう! 私たち二人で目標を達成しましょう!